Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketing Game Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing Game Report - Essay Example Hence the product features were enhanced to meet the needs of these users, by investing highly on research and development. Since Voice X had set its focus on these three target segments, the marketing mix was designed for all the periods with the requirements of these three segments in mind, with minimum variations. The price was not changed for a long time after the second period, in order to provide a value added, feature rich product to the target segments and to overrun the price competition from the other brands (see figure 4). The main strategy followed was to generate high revenue by focussing on the premium segments. As the market share in the other segments were being taken up by competitors, initiatives were taken in the fifth period to focus on distribution in channel 2, so as to capture a part of the student market. Also additional sales resources were put into force in channel 2, to take up the interested market. A part of the rationale for choosing this distribution strategy was that about one-third of the high end consumers shopped through Channel 2. After the decline of sales in the fifth and sixth periods, a focussed strategy was adopted to regain the market share and to reap profits, by targeting the Managerial segment by tailoring the product and the distribution strategies to meet their requirements. High spending behaviour of the managerial segment and their preference for quality of service were the rationale behind this decision. This change in the strategy proved fruitful and Voice X re-positioned itself as a Premium product and gained its market share of sales. This strategy if followed for the next few periods, will put Voice X in a better financial position to start a new low priced product with minimum features to capture the low spending segments and become the market leader for this

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