Saturday, December 28, 2019

Persuasive Essay Abortion - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 338 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/09/17 Category Health Essay Type Argumentative essay Tags: Abortion Essay Did you like this example? Persuasive Essay An abortion is defined as the termination of a pregnancy by the removal of a fetus/embryo from the uterus resulting in death. I do not see how that cannot be considered as murder. When a life is purposefully taken by another person, it is murder. There are many other options for mothers that are not ready to be mothers. Having your baby aborted is not the answer; it is just the easiest way to deal with your problem. If a mother is considering having an abortion, she can put her baby up for adoption instead. With the precautions taken for placing children, the child will be put in a home where it can grow up in a healthy and loving environment. The child will be able to live a good life and become a successful member of society. If it had been aborted the child would never have had a chance to live and love. Another option is to keep the baby. Of course sacrifices will have to be made, but the life of a child is more important than money or time. Raising a child is difficult, but there is always family and friends that are ready to help and lend a hand whenever needed. There are ways to receive an education from home or at night if that is the only way to study but also take care of a child. Abortions are selfish acts on the part of mothers. They do not want to deal with the hardships that they are faced with after becoming pregnant. I am sure they are scared, but an abortion is not the answer. Our society is always looking for the easiest, quickest way to solve a problem. This mindset is what makes abortion look so appetizing to young girls who do not know what to do with the surprise they have just received. Unfortunately this easy answer results in the death of an unborn child, defenseless against all outside forces, unable to defend its own life. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Persuasive Essay: Abortion" essay for you Create order

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